The Gray Wolf

 By: Camryn Schilling


The Gray Wolf (also known as the Timber Wolf) is normally found in eastern United States, Canada, and Alaska. It is the largest member of the canine family.  Gray wolves range in color from gray or black to all-white. As the ancestor of the domestic dog, the gray wolf resembles German shepherds or malamutes. The first wolves were developed millions of years ago and the first of them was a wolf called Canis. The coyote is very similar to the Gray Wolf it has the same long legs and they are both carnivores and are also related to Canis. Their height is about 26 to 32 inches at the shoulder. They are usually 55 to 130 lbs. Males are normally heavier and taller then the females. Their lifespan in basically 7 to 8 years in the wild, but some have lived more than 12 years. They can be found in prairies, forestlands, and in the lower sides of mountains. They normally live in dens, or lairs, usually in a cave, or hollow tree, or a hole dug by themselves. When they live in warm climates they have long pointed ears so it can help the body to give off heat. When in the Tundra regions they have short rounded ears to help their  bodies withstand cold weather.  If the Gray Wolf didn't have their long legs it would probably not be able to hunt down all of their prey like the rabbit and elk. The wolf normally has a leader called the "Alpha Male" they always lead the pack. The Alpha Male normally mates with the Alpha Female.

Authors Note

I think the Gray Wolf is a very interesting animal. It is quite unique! I enjoyed learning how the Gray Wolf lives! I have learned so many new things while making this website!,_gray.php

 Wolves By: Emily U. Lepthen

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